Credit or Debit Cards Payment/ PayPal Payment for All Countries including Singapore To Steven Lim Kor Kor! Call or sms or Whatsapp me at +6587996634 for any enquiries
Singapore well known Job Seeking Portal for both Job Seekers and Employers!!! Thank you for sponsor advertised with us 5500sgd! Click the banner to immediately finding your jobs and employees now at Snatchjobs!
Tiktok Whole of Singapore Final Top 10 ranking Live creator and streamer for Week 17 July 2023 to 23 July 2023!!!
Tiktok Whole of Singapore Final Top 10 ranking Live creator and streamer for Week 24 July 2023 to 30 July 2023!!!
Follow my Spotify, Tidal, Amazon, KKBox Music and other major streaming platforms for upcoming music projects! Save all songs to ur playlist! Search my music: Steven Lim Kor Kor
sing/dance & Msg Shout Out dedications For Happy Birthday/Special Occasion @ $100sgd! Great Reviews From my Happy Clients! Memorable!
Instagram PM Hire me Now!
Brand Ambassadors of Singapore Largest Family KTV Chain HAVEFUN Family KTVand Snatchjobs! 新加坡最大KTV连所店 嗨翻 HaveFun 代言人 和 Snatchjobs!
(Super Well known jobs and employees seeking portal)著名寻工寻员工超级平台
We are also featured in Well known News Agency Goody Feed's AwesomeViral Article!!! Click & Read! We are again featured in Tip Top News Agency Mothership's Super Viral Article!! Click to Read!!
Steven Lim Kor Kor also enjoys investing for fun and currently also a ShareHolder of a Public Listed Company with Market Share Cash Value of *over 300k SGD as on 22 April 2022 17:17pm.*
Chin Up Best Personal Record (as on 15 Nov 2018): 25 本人单杆引体向上最佳记录:25 (11月15日2018 记录) Super Strength! How many can you do?!
Punishment Knock It Down Push Ups Personal Best Record in 49 Seconds (as on 22 Sept 2019) : 120 本人体罚式掌上压四十九秒最佳记录: 120 Super Fit! How many can you do?!
Artistes/ Disciples in training actions at Previous Potong Pasir Classroom, Our New Dec 2018 Classes will start at our new location in Orchard Road(乌节路).
Artistes/ Disciples in training actions at our new Professional Training facility at Orchard Road! (乌节路专业训练设施)
Attention! Join our inclusive FREE fat burning Fun personal training for singing, dancing and kickboxing hybrid workshops for all my Existing Artistes/ Disciples! Goals for sexy abs, fitness and wellness TRAINED BY mUAY tHAI cHAMPION/ EXPerienced Fitness trainer Steven Lim Kor kor!! NEW DEC 2018 classes onwards WILL be CONDUCTED IN Orchard very near Orchard MRT Station! Book now!! 注意! 快快加入!全部新旧艺人都会有免费健身,唱歌,跳舞,拳脚击混合训练课机会! 一起好玩练出性感腹肌和好身材! 所有已加入艺人无需额外付加费塑身一律欢迎!!训练由泰拳冠军与资深健身教练steven lim 哥哥指导!新的2018 十二月班开始会在乌节路地带靠近地铁站!!Book Now!!
whatsapp to Join or Book FUn fitness appointments/enquire: +65 87996634
2nd Dec 2018 (Sunday) Hybrid Artiste Fitness Class 艺人健身混合训练班 at our New Orchard Road Professional facility!!! (新乌节路地点专业训练设施)
27 Jan 2018 (Sunday) Hybrid Artiste Fitness Class 艺人健身混合训练班 at our New Orchard Road Professional facility!!! (新乌节路地点专业训练设施) Steven Lim Kor Kor Races with his disciples!!! Steven 和学员精彩比赛!!!
必看! 24 Feb 2019 (Sunday) Hybrid Artiste Fitness Class 艺人健身混合训练班 at our New Orchard Road Professional facility!!! (新乌节路地点专业训练设施) Steven Lim Kor Kor Vs Reservist Policemen Friendly Match!!! Steven Lim 和 Reservist警察精彩友谊赛!Age is Not a Factor for Fitness!! 年龄绝不是体能的障碍!
必看! 7 April 2019 (Sunday) Hybrid Artiste Fitness Class 艺人健身混合训练班 at our New Orchard Road Professional facility!!! (新乌节路地点专业训练设施) 20 Years Old Law Enforcer (执法人员)Vs 43 岁Steven Lim Kor Kor (前陆战步队连队最佳军人) Friendly Race!!! Steven Lim 和Law Enforcer 执法人员精彩友谊赛!Age is Not a Factor for Fitness!! 年龄绝不是体能的障碍!
必看! 11 August 2019 (Sunday) Hybrid Artiste Fitness Class 艺人健身混合训练班 at our Current Orchard Road Professional facility!!! (乌节路地点专业训练设施) !
Everyone that joins my team guaranteed become fitter, stronger, leaner and able to dance, kickbox and sing now!!! Steven Lim一个一个耐心快速教导。。一个个都变壮了,连59岁的学员都变特Fit 了, 全都会唱歌跳舞Kickbox了!真厉害!不是盖的!Use your eyes and see for yourself!! 你有比Steven他fit吗?! 好听吗?
必看! 3 November 2019 (Sunday) Hybrid Artiste Fitness Class 艺人健身混合训练班 at our Current Orchard Road Professional facility!!! (乌节路地点专业训练设施) !30 Years Old Cammando 敢死队员 Vs 43 Years Old Former Combat Unit 前陆战部队 Steven Lim Kor Kor!
And Our 8th April 2018 Artiste Training Workshop Viral Video 疯传视频 as SEEN & FEATURED in our facebook click below link to see:
Steven Lim Kor Kor is Singapore Famous Star, Muay Thai Champion, Award winning Boss , Ex Club singer, Ground Combat Unit Company Best Soldier , Experienced Fitness Trainer! Steven Lim 哥哥是新加坡著名明星,泰拳冠军, 得奖老板,前驻唱歌手,陆战部队连队最佳军人, 资深健身教练!
What We Do: 1. We are Your Effective Paid Advertising and Promotion Platform (我们做什么的) (我们是您的有效付费的广告平台) 2. We also Promote/ Equip Artistes/ Disciples with】】 Speech and Drama/Singing (我们推宠, 推广艺人,给于他们演戏/说话/唱歌的才华) 3. We also supply Artistes/ Models (currently over 3000 of them depending on availability and each country laws) (我们提供艺人,模特儿服务,3000 余名, 但不一定每一个都 有空, 都可以,依当地法律而行) 4. Professional Videography/Photography Services for any events/ occasions (专业录影/摄影服务) 5. Hire Steven Lim Kor Kor for Performances, Hosting, Events, Appearances! (雇用Steven Lim 哥哥表演,主持,特别亮相)
Steven Lim 24 hrs Active Handphone Number电话: +6587996634 (Mobile Phone) SMS/Call/Whatsapp
Active Enquiry Email:
Dear Artistes/Clients/Government Agencies, Kindly Do Update your Phone book contact Accordingly. Thank You! Have a Nice Day!
Eyebrowser Trading and Marketing is proudly awarded the prestigious Asia Pacific Brands Award, an award which in partnership with Trade and Industry Association (Singapore) and Asia Business Journal! 本公司有幸荣获亚太品牌大奖! See Steven Lim accepting the award on stage with former Minister of Singapore!! 恭庆Steven Lim 从前部长手里接获荣耀!
注:*Please use only 请选用Google Chrome Web browser on Desktop/Laptop to smoothly surf our web. 滑溜游览此网页*
Have you submitted your income tax yet?! Click and make sure u get this acknowledgement page (Steven Lim's 2013 income)! Pls let your family members and friends know to avoid any penalties for late furnishings or failure to furnish!!! Important!!
Dearest Awesome Fans and followers, Steven Lim hereby sincerely thank all of you for making me to where I am now. I cant say enough how grateful I am to all of you. You are my greatest treasures in my life. My achievements and my courage all solely comes from you! Forever Lets always pillar the ruling PAP government, so that Singapore could thrive for a long time from What Late Lee Kuan Yew has left extraordinarily behind for us...Pls Vote Only for #TeamPAP - Edited 5 May 2015
"Dun follow the trend, Create a trend!" #StevenLimQuotes
Congratulations! Steven Lim 3rd Fan Greet and Meet is Top News in Singapore Press Holding's Hottest, Juicest, Biggest Showbiz News Website, Lollipop Powered by STOMP! Steven Lim 见粉丝上了亚洲头条娱乐最主流新闻!Thank You, SPH Newsroom! Click here to see the Full Article 看头条at:
两个大明星在拍戏, 会有什么火花呢? When Two Stars Meet for filming..!!! Steven Lim with Noah Yap, Ah Boy!
Superstar Steven Lim's Seventh TV Commercial (电视广告)- Steven Lim and Friends February 2013 Lunar New Year 农历新年 TVC Campaign on Mediacorp Channel U (在新传媒U频道): Copy and Paste this tv commercial link on your FB/twitter:
Full Listing of the 25 airtime spots on Channel U (107) is here: Timing on the list means from XXXXhrs onwards. Print it out and paste this on your wall to keep track!!!! (Total up to date amount paid to Mediacorp TV is about nearly SGD$30,000 as on 10th February 2013) Subscribe to Superstar Steven's YouTube Channel!
PLS DO SUPPORT STEVEN LIM'S OFFICIAL WEB BY ADVERTISE PERMANENTLY NOW IN OUR WEB FOR GREAT EXPOSURE/ FUN FOR JUST ONE TIME AD FEE (ANY AMOUNT)! Generously paid advertise in our website to show ur support to this web & entertainment, you could ATM/Internet bank transfer any amount to Steven's Singapore POSB Savings bank account at 130389325. If payment by Credit/Debit Card or by Paypal, pls click login above for whichever country you from. You can still send money even if you do not have a Paypal account! Click send money and select online purchases for services. Follow through the rest. Advertising means you could feature here your products or services or advertise just your name/ country and the amount you paid will be showing to the world permanently. The Top few Advertisers will even make it to both our front page & Classified Ads (International) page! Email: or whatsapp/sms/call +65 87996634 to send us your display ads and words once you see your payment went thru or transferred. Latest Advertisers will be awarded a big mystery gift from Steven Lim!
Big Thanks to Lynn Woo (Currently living in near 4MillionSgd landed Property) who advertise sponsors with us for $2000SGD !
FOR RECORD PURPOSE: Kurt Tay is also a proud graduate/ Student from Mediacorp Singapore Media Academy!!
Michelle's Alteration - Our Pioneer Sponsoring Advertiser Fast Clothing Alteration Services! 《快速修改衣服服务》 Click banner for reviews and Direction to reach there...! No. 14, Scotts Road, #03-126, Far East Plaza, Singapore 228213. Tel: 67378238
Steven Lim 首部亚洲大型电影!First Asian Big Movie (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hongkong, Taiwan)
Big News! Steven Lim is the appointed Official Male Social Media Ambassador for !!!
Artiste God Nigel Tan Wee Ping 陈伟彬 is a proud graduate from Mediacorp and JTeam Acting Class!
Free Steven Lim "天王巨星" ringtone for your iphone!!!!!! Transfer using your Itunes!!!!!!! Fun!! Download by right click save as the file here!!! Free Steven Lim "让我心好好痛一遍" ringtone for your iphone!!!!!! Transfer using your Itunes!!!!!!! Fun!! Download by right click save as the file here!!!
Singapore Superstar Steven Lim Shoots Asian Big Movie With Megastar Gao Lin Feng 高凌风 & 夏克立!
Singapore Superstar Steven Lim Massive Photo Take Meeting Fans Turnout on Christimas Day! (Huge Fans turnout considering 3 hrs advance notification only!!!) All pls share this link at your FB wall:
Singapore Superstar Steven Lim 2nd informal Fans Picture Taking/FunTime on 19th May 2012 @ City Square Mall! (One Day Advance Notice) Special thanks to City Square Mall for your special attention! I m honoured! Fun place! Every pls like this City Square Mall page at All share this video link to your facebook wall:
Quote of the Day ( A contest is coming up and win big prizes & money!): Steven Lim Care for Teens Crime Quote: Do not shoplift in malls or shops. Dun use for fun as an excuse. One criminal record can already kill your future, and the pain of going to courts with your family members. If you are really bored, you can try harmless hobbies like watching tv, surf net, sleep or chatting on phone. Nobody could help you. You have to take the very first step. If really not enough money, spend within your budget and take a part time job or get more monthly allowances from your parents. I met a few people.. Forever, they will get into troubles or brush with law cos they chose to stay "inside" the pool. But, you chose the path. I have also seen cases they are living well now when they decided to abandon the old ways and work hard in life. God bless. =) Steven Finally, Steven Lim's very first commercialized new music video in High Definition (HD)!!!! Steven Lim哥哥"天王巨星" & "让我心好好痛一遍“Music Video 全岛首播!!!
These 2 new songs are out now for streaming and downloads at Spotify, Tidal, Amazon Music and Other Major Music streaming platforms!!!
Be sure to see both MV coz these MVs are actually Part 1 and 2. 1. “天王巨星”- Steven Lim 哥哥 MV Part 1/2 Youtube video link:
2. “让我心好好痛一遍”- Steven Lim 哥哥 MV Part 2/2 Latest! Youtube video link:
Guys, some v nice teens set up a FB fan page for me. If you enjoyed my videos like they did or is my personal fan/friend, pls click like here. Tks! Latest MV song "The Official Tsunami Song" by Steven Lim Click & Support! n hope Japan recovers fast!
My facebook supporters spamming my wall. but i love it...Thank you guys!! Click Like now!! People..
My Very Brand New Fan Page HERE Please click LIke and follow my newsfeed/videos to get fun and updates! (Because my personal facebook account is full with 5000 friends and with over 34k followers)
and twitter follow me here
@StevenLimNew (over 30 thousands followers!!) to win Big Cash Prizes & News!!
Need Cash Urgently or Need to settle debt immediately? We are willing to take in your used motorcyles at low price but we give you instant cash immediately on the day ownership transfer itself. Sorry we DO NOT offer loans. SMS/ Call 87996634 now to let us view your bikes now! Our Max Budget for one bike is SGD$20k. Selling Benelli Adiva 150 cc Shelter Bike. Good Condition. 2 seaters..
Price $2000 COE ending 8th January 2012 Road Tax till November
Shelter Roof and windscreen provides comfort against rain and sun. Super Big Back Storage Box, can almost hold a small children size, and full groceries shopping spree!
Steven Lim signing 20k approx worth contract with Mediacorp on 16th Dec 2010!! Our model agency cum music video TV commercials airing on Ch 8 and Ch U strong launch fr. 25th Dec 2010 Xmas Day Prime Time! Big thanks to Mediacorp's Advertising (MAE), Singapore Press Holdings' OMY.SG, Hardware Zone Eat-Drink-Man-Woman's Forums (EDMW) & 联合晚报 for making Steven Lim so famous in Singapore, JB & some says even Batam. The superb incredible publicity you given is so effective, it really makes the tables in Newton Circus stop eating & stare till one of Steven Lim's best friend complaint she feels so stressed. <= Not cool story, bro.!!
Hey Guys! Studio Recordings for my two new songs are done...! MTVs Shot done with my own models at JItterBugs Dance! I love you guys!! Showtime! Very Nervous and Excited.....! 请要为我多加油哦!! =)Thank you!!
Steven Lim 哥哥 - Ex-Street Eyebrows Stylist In Singapore Singapore Idol First Season Contestant and "Never Say Die" Finalist! Singapore's Top YouTube Top 3 Total Views Solo Celebrity Channel: sghunk1976 (Over 11 millions total views!!!) Singapore Homegrown Artiste/ Entertainer! 新加坡土生土长艺人! Owner of Singapore's Largest Top Online Models & Talents Agency! (over 3000 models & talents!) Cousin of 梁文福 (Renown新瑶pioneer/ “雨季“producer/composer) & Nephew of Jack Lim 随安 - (Music producer n also Composer of “关怀方式“ & PM Lee Hsien Loong and President Obama's Staunch Supporter! (World Leaders that genuinely care for their people, deserve our votes!)
Have you submitted your income tax yet?! Click and make sure u get this acknowledgement page (Steven Lim's 2013 income)! News: Urgently Looking for New Faces/ Artistes for future projects, commercial and TV dramas assignments! Be the next local superstar and chances to act for tv dramas and commercials! Very good candidates may be groomed and win a singing/acting artiste contract worth SGDS50,000! To be in our model team and be spotted by our TV/ Movie clients, sms or call +65 87996634 (Singapore Mobile Number)
SG Biggest Online Model Boss- Steven Lim
Steven Lim and his old time friend, Foyce Lim!
Steven Lim practises dances to Michael Jackson's Jam!! Steven Lim哥哥跳麦克杰逊舞蹈练习!!
Our agency talents involved in Singapore Police Force Corporate Educational Video ( Main leads and major supporting roles scouted and cast by Steven Lim) Look out for Steven Lim, Joanne Kiong, Jonathon Lim, Manoj Ram, Teresa Loh in this video.
Our model, Manoj Ram appearing prominently in TV drama recently as Sammy! He sincerely wants to thank TV station and Steven Lim!
Steven Lim and Ris Low 0mm distance! Special star Paid appearance for Canon "Boomz" 2009 (Zouk)! (17 Dec 2009) Ris Low slimmed down and back to best form!! Ris not fair wear super high heels makes 180cm Steven Lim looks short short!
Touching comment from Steven Lim's fan!
Real Singaporean Fans swarmed Steven Lim! Yup! Everyone here really took turns to take a pic with Steven. Steven is very very very very well known star in Singapore!
Steven Lim with Mr. Mohd Ismail, CEO of Propnex Real Estate Agency (Singapore's largest) during 2007!
Wanna book our over 3000 gorgeous talents/ models..? For shows or photo/ video shoot?
Sms or call 87996634 for booking or enquiries. Notable completed projects- Supply Model, David Lim as Grandfather in Crystal Jade TVC, Singapore Police Force Corporate Video Casting (15 talents including the main leads fully casted & auditioned by Steven Lim) & HDB launching project videos (provided 4 talents) & Carlbergs Telemovie. And provided more than 100 talents to Jack Neo's movie, “做人”! Provide talents to many Chinese & English TV dramas including Crime Watch (Nurul as Mother of Nonoi- Shot Done, Famous One-Eyed-Dragon (独眼龙)Case (Wong Li See as his wife and Celine Song Wan Ling as his mistress), Rabya & Sim Pat Eng as main Leads for TV medical show. (Shot done with full script!), First Class, Polo Boys, Immigration and Checkpoint Authority Drama (Point of Entry) and of course a definite bulk supplierof talents for the following Ch 8 tv dramas: 双子星 Ultimatum, 想握你的手,当我们同在一起, 红白喜事, 泳闯琴关,最火搭档, 破天网 Breakout, 我们等你. 星洲之夜,边缘父子 and many more!!! (Shot Done and all supported by real proven payment advises! 全都有厚厚收据,要假都很难!)
24小时聊天室请往下走! See my latest youtube video on my $5000 dollars giveaway! Guys, pls subscribe to my youtube Director video channel: sghunk1976 when you see this. Got big surprise for you! Blog entry and story below. New! Steven Lim - Boss and Acting Trainer for STEVEN LIM DOT NET MODELS 老板兼演戏导师 Direct web link to this video is (DV直连网页):
Super nice full faced KBC helmet at my very own bed....
Steven Lim Rest In PeacE
My handsome nice fans who politely asked me to take pictures with them after they watched me in The Showdown on Channel 5, 8pm Thursday. They said they are my fans and support me all the away. Asking me to rock on. Very very touched!. If you see this, U all rock! Thanks to the Mediacorp's opportunity, I learnt to obey instructions, learning new things and happily earn the $1k. Ke ke ke! =D
Super clear scans from my Canon MP145 all in one printer....amazing rite?! Just by one button! Good things must share!
New! Steven Lim and his Class 2 Honda Shadow 600cc VLX Motorbike!Steven Lim哥哥600cc 本田重型机车!
听听我们的模特儿有话对你说 Listen To Wat Our Premier Package Models Have To Say To U (请点击Model 听看视屏 Please click Model to play video)
Genuine Clients!! Even overseas clients read and emailed request to use our prestigious models!!! We are going international! Serving anyone in the world who has the money to pay. Click to enlarge pic.
Many request to join in our Modeling team!
**(Download free "wmv player" app for Ipad/Iphone to watch below wmv format videos on Mobiles!)** For Example - OPlayer Lite (Grade A* Free Video/Audio Player + Free Web Browser!)
Visit our full catalogue of our Artistes, Models & talents in the "Our 3500 Models and Talents Database 艺人" Many just joined for fun and hobbies!
Bing Qi Having Greatness is really great! Kian Wah is such a wonderful guy! Puteri Nabila is really one of the awesome ones!
Joyce is pretty and amazing too! The wonderful n greaat Iszfitri! Sophie is an attractive and pleasant lady!
Jet Yin is really fabulous and great! Maria is friendly and has a great attitude! Sean is so wonderful and really Wonderful!
Steven is really determined and shine like gems! Ernest is such a handsome Super Man! Pauline is steady and awesome!
Anthony is such an very stunning guy! Aaron is so nice and brilliant! WoW!! Ryan is so handsome, fit and very sporty!
Jia En is such awesome lady, fantastic! Elvira is really sparkling and wonderful! Maggie is such an awesome lady so cool!
Chloe Very Demure and Awesome!!! Sim Tien is such a wonderful lady! Samantha is such a Super Lady and Great!
Jing Han is such a wonderful lady! Weng Li is such an aweome lady! Cherrie is simply the cherry to the cake!!
Shelly is really a refreshing lady! Evangeline is what we think is a wonderful lady! Jason is an attractive male! Join mainly for Fitness!
Lu Jia is such a fantastic Man Kind! Wen Jie is really super handsome guy! Victor is such a wonderful guy!
Elisa is such a lovely n spirited lady! Hui Yian is such an all rounder! Shaun is so Big and So handsome!
Travis is such a handsome guy! Sheryl is really really awesome and nice! Shuai Hao is really Shuai Dao Bao!!!
Shao Yu AKA Shan Shan is such wonderful! Jacey got the determination, strength n grit! Phoebe is such a gorgeous wonderful lady!
Roseline is such a wonderful wonderful lady! Julie is such an attractive nice lady! Wan Hoi is really a very Super Athlete Warrior!
Garfield is really handsome and cute! Ann is such a wonderful lady! Oh wow Andrea is so amazing!
What a kind and supportive lady! God Bless! Maurice is such a Super Awesome Guy! Shiqin is such a wonderful lady!
Xin Er has such an amazing demeanor n poise! Xu Lin is such a brainy and intelligent guy! Hui Xian Hui Xian very superb and eloquent!
Awesome Wan Li for the Win and Challenge! Daryl is such a handsome nice hunk! Jarrel is such an handsome young man!
Zhenna is such an awesome sunny lady! Kate is a such a wonderful amazing lady! Ying Yue is the truly superb fantastic!
Ryder is such a handsome man and yes great! Brennon is what we called as Charming! Wah!!! Pui Wah is amazing!
Celia is what we as a very wonderful babe!! Ming Hui is such a charismatic matured guy! Joshua is what we called the Wonderful!
Jun Jie is such an awesome young man! Ronny is what we defined as great attitude hunk!
Ryan is such a handome and talented guy! Mark is really a charming guy! Shiau Hui is what we mentioned as tall lady!!
Bryan Lim si realy fine looking and nice..! Donny is what classifed as really handsome! Jennifer is what we called the Thumbs up!
John is such an awesome guy! Serene is defnitely a class of her own! Maggie is really amazing and good!
Steven Wu is reall Super Awesome! Jeffrey is so cute and super! 要红一起红! Alix is Super Wonderful and Amazing!
Glen Ng is what we called Gorgeous Dancer! Tao Wei is a Martial Art Expert! Livia is what we call the Super Amazing!
Eugene is such a good looking gentleman! Abigail is a brilliant gem in the gemstones! Michelle is really an amazingly tall wonder!
Joey is what we called gorgeous wonderful one! Max is really Super to the Max! Sok Har is really friendly and with great EQ!
Now available for hire for any photo shoots/ shows/ events/ parties/ videos/ acting/ dancing!!! Choose your artistes now! Interested Guys n Girlswho aspired to be in a prestigious model/ talent team with guaranteed 24hrs long term promotion. Even Police Officers join our team! 连警员都有加入! Click here to view 这里点击观看全套 3000艺人our full database of over 3000 models/talents 模特儿/艺人 & more info! or Call/Whatsapp/SMS 87996634 for enquiries.
New!President Obama of United States, Steven Lim loves and support you! Direct web link to this video is (DV直连网页):
New!有才Steven Lim 哥哥singing "Oh Holy Night" in Dophin Sopranos !(海豚音)
17th September 2009 Thurs 1212hrs by Steven Lim OMY.SG SINGAPORE BLOG AWARDS 2009 picture sources from:
This entry is specially dedicated for above mentioned event, which incorporated friendship, bonding and the sweat and the number of brain cells the organizers put in to make everything possible. This event makes me starts to blog again after more than one year. Look at the venue it is held. Posh SupperClub where all either only the rich, very handsome or gorgeous gathers. Lots of familiar faces over there including celebrity and stars and big organizations big shots. I was trying to look around for people that I know of, of cos, Alvin in marketing of was always very busy running around coordinating stuff . Damn hardworking nice fellow! I shook the hands of Cai Sheng Jiang, chief editor of wanbao i guessand actually is me and my dad's very respected person. He is someone that has the 内涵 when he talks. Deep down, I was very honored when i shook the following people which i know their names. Namely, George Yeo the minister, that cutely or rather humbly acts blur that he is totally not in the field of
blogging but he actually knows everything
about it and perhaps even know more everyone of us to upgrade and keep in with the times. He even knows what is twitter and uses it. I am so dumb never even use before the advanced new platform. And Royston Tan, the 881 big director. He already knew lots of people is going to get his namecards and his personal assistant, Sufyan already prepared whole stacks of namecards,I managed to pass one of my business card to him. Hey, Me at least is Singapore's largest online model/ talent agency's boss. Dun play play sia. And yes, Yang Jun Wei, the Emcee, poor thing...have to keep talking and talking non- stop for the whole event and add in the humour. It is not easy to hold an event where everyone is talking downstairs when you are talking. Thumbs up for you! Account Manager of SPH U-weekly, Adrian Low, and Cheng Ding An, Director of Kallanr Roar, and OMY female head, Miss Lee Kuan Fung, really nice to meet you. Hi I m sorry if i miss out any becos I really do not know your name. Yup, specially mentioned is someone that is not in my good books after the event. Peggy Chang, the TV girl. Zero PR skill and rude! I was trying to be very nice and go over and say hi to her cos she mentioned me on her blog before. I wanted to shake her hands and asked her for her name cos i really forget that time but she does not even bother to lift it up. Damn stuck up sia...! Really from impression 7/10 pointers become -100. Trying to give you face and say a friendly hi to you and give me this attitude. Pissed off. She should realized my female model (174cm) from my team that i bring that hooked on tightly to my hand is alot taller and much more gorgeous, classy and fairer than her sia. Happy stuff is a few of my readers among the blogger community comes up to me and saying my videos are interesting and read my blog. That is really good enough for me..I was nominated as in the LOL category. Never win, NVM, guess my competitors are better. And one last one, blogger Yu- Kym!!!! I did not know who is she....she stood beside me and keeps staring at me and look thru my eyes and i cant bear not to say hi to this beautiful lady. I m totally straight ok!!! When i read her blog, then i realized that she is not that innocent as she appears to. She appears to have slept with lots of guys before and she couragely shared her experiences on the net. But seriously, she could pass off as a very nice lady easily. From my point of view, this year Singapore blog award is a big success. But you really need more entertainment to spice up the environment. Like live bands even before the event could actually starts to make the whole event more lively. Perhaps a female host to match with Jun Wei so the Yin-yang will be balanced. Lastly, thanks so much OMY.SG for inviting me there. I was very very very deeply truely absolutely honored and I will continue to support local medias. OMY.SG rocks!
21 July 2008 by Steven Lim
Reverend Ming Yi 明义involved in breach of trust, fraud document case... Held on court...
Really what a waste..!.A monk that is heroically endorsed by millions of people, doing special stunts in charity shows, doing many charitable works, get in this kind of trouble. I still remember the first time he did a stunt on TV. He dropped tears, many dropped tears for him too. Imagine a monk had to do this kind of stunts to get more donated funds for the organisation. That really touched my heart too. My family donatedto the organisation. Then some problem involving Durai previously from NKF makes government do checks on Non- profit organisations. Including digging out Ming Yi's salary of more than 10k monthly, which i heard he still donate part out of the money for good causes. LET ME TELL U! This monk rocks! No other monk in Singapore are as famous as him now. Now I believe in the process of helping another organisation, he got himself in deep trouble, with a big possibility that he is going to jail if convicted. Oh man...that is going to be so sux! Spend most of his life doing many charitable events, end up getting this kind of unfair karma... .I felt angry also... how come Ming Yi as a reverend should know wat is right and wrong... wat to do, wat not to do. I suspect he has been betrayed and framed or forced to stray. Oh maybe he does not even know about the case! That bastard that 害Reverend Ming Yi should be pulled to the target board and get枪毙 machine gunned. Ming Yi's face so cute and kind still got people want to sabo him. Really KNN! I want to condemn this person and urged the authority to do more checks and pulled up the real culprit. Ming Yi so good wun do these kind of things one! I wun believe, NEVER!
07 June 2008
Big things happening around us in the world ( Recap)- Dr Chee Soon Juan jailed, Earthquake SzeChuan, Cyclone, Racist Blogger Caught
There are what had happened recently in the world. Szechuan China kena earth quake. 70k people died if i m not wrong. So many people crushed in this big natural disaster. Heard some of the young victims are still holding pens when the ceiling crushed them like pancake. Some of them shouting and crying. Ma ma! Pa Pa!! Sorry i have left you down...i could not live to see you again. SOme were pinned down by big walls and pierced thru by steel. Some were passed an electric saw to cut their own limbs to be rescued out easier. Cyclone in Myanmar... No more house to live for many. To add things worse, due to political issues, foreigners rescuers will prevented to enter the zone. End up may end up more casualties. Racist blogger caught for saying satay satay to Malays and many other very offensive racist remarks. Some may see his blog entry as a joke but to me, this is definitely not funny. What he wrote is definitely not true. There are many things some other races should proudly learnt from the beloved Malays in Singapore. Singaporean Malays are extremely united and bonded to their family members and yes, majority of them are like that.
We should learn to forge closer relationships with our families. Malays are technically more skilful in many ways. Fandi Ahmad is the football idol of many races then and now, and i still remember him and his team member has created many magical moments in the soccer industry. Let me tell u, that is the prime of Singapore soccer. No one can deny that. Abbas Saad, Malek, Lim Tong Hai, David Lee and Super Sub, Steven Tan....No one can forget these great heros..Ilove Singapore just because it is multi racial in Singapore, and we live in harmony with one another. Thus, the government values this very much and hit on strongly on racist remarks. The Malay girls in my secondary school always get higher marks than me in exams and tests.
They are so smart and speak good English where i see them proceed on to JCs and Polys. Where i continue studied ITE...Sad...Me lousy leh..done so badly for my O level.. people 6 subjects under 20 points. I five subjects 21 points. Half here half there, super headache... But I was fortunate I moved to Nanyang Poly after my army. Hereby, I sincerely hope that no one will try to use words to harm other races in Singapore. We are proud to be living in Singapore because we dun discriminate any of the races, be it majority or minority...and i foresee it will be this way in distant future. N Lasty, Dr Chee Soon Juan. I feel very sorry for him really and the recent court case. He is going to jail again for doing something wrong...I almost want to cry also becos i find him poor thing. I managed to see one of his youtube video about the interviews with him with his wife and young kids. Trust me, you will feel sorry for him too. A family man with kids, waiting for him. He is already bankrupt and he still so call trying to attempt to 'reform' the leading government. What will happen to his kids? Bankrupt feed what food.. I really admire your never-say-spirit and I bet some of the people secretly will as well. But some of your actions could only bring more hurt and harms to yourself and family. Coz sorry, this is Singapore. We value stability and we have an excellent government and leaders that leads us to one of the best in the world and I will continue to serve the one that brings us good lives and stability. On the other hand, please allow me to offer some food and some toys to your kids if I do know or meet you in person one day. Trust me, I will do that, small case. I will tell them they have a never-say-die father. We are all Singaporeans. Let us dun hurt each other anymore.. Below is my Honda Goldwing 1500cc Motorbike educational video. Ride Safer, Live Longer! SOLD!
"Nothing is impossible, Impossible is nothing!"
Steven Lim "Dragon" (model)
On extreme left is Steven Lim. Above two pics shows Steven Lim shapes the eyebrows of
well-known Actress
Evelyn Ng from "Light Years". Click thumbnail to see enlarged pics.
Steven Lim representing Singapore was very honored to be voted most handsome guy by Malaysian top forum, in Nov 2005. Special thanks to them. He beated Taiwanese Jay Chou, Korean Bae Yong Jun, Hong Kong Edison Chen & Malaysian Idol Daniel Lee Chee Hun!!
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3 May 2008 Car vs Motorcycle - Motorcycle more fun n easy to maneuver, dun really like driving.
Finally got my long awaited Class 3 car driving licence. I got it on my fifth attempt where i use a different technique to complete the test. Forget about one turn two turn for parking. Best is use your own judgment when trying to enter the pocket. See dot not that accurate one. Got only 8 points!! so lucky! The pasts are always above 30 points and the mistakes always different each time and incorrect checking of blind spots. or exaggerating checking of blind spot also kena points. I m not joking!! But on my last attempt, i not going to let him catch me with any points. I was on the balls and everything was very smooth. Even the traffic lights turn amber just nicely for me so i can stop in time. so heng! The tester also gave me advises on how to drive better n such. Seriously, you need plenty of luck for tests some time. The pen in his hand, he will be able to find fault no matter what for sure. Ya. Happy I got a license. Thanks to my rich father, i paid full cash for a less than 10 years van. I drive a few days and i realized motorcycle is alot better and more flexible in traffic n reach destination faster, and meet the definition of transportation. Transportation suppose to make you more convenient. But parking i feel like vomiting checking all around for danger. Hate parking the most! A few days ago went east coast and try the parallel parking i want to vomit blood sia!! But I scared to langa other people car, so extra very careful. spend about 5 mins!!! Ya, a car is comfortable and safer but very bulky leh and i always have to watch out for motorcyclists who go pass me. Further more, i need to pay more expenses to own a car. Sianz!!!! I DONT LIKE CAR LAH!! maybe going to sell very soon... Paid about 2.6k to learn a car after failing so many times. But well, at least i m almost there. I have now full classes of motorcycle licences and a class 3 driving license. I m proud to say i m a very experienced motorcyclist! I wun die regretful in this lifetime. I love you all. KISS KISS...HUGZ! PS. driving with P plate is cool though..hahah!
5 April 2008 Seriously, Did you wash your assholes today??? I m dead serious!
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MOVIE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WEEK: CAPE NO. 7 海角七号 4.5/5 Stars - Steven Lim My strongest recommendation for this excellent show. Got DVD must buy and watch!
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little nyonya is a nice show! Singapore flyer cant even fly! Why! Ai Iijima japanese porn star commit suicide!, always known as, was formerly named I always enjoy viewing because got many interesting videos n once posted my video before. Thanks! or former big, I love you. The fact is I always view at least twice a day! Can you imagine that? is the best! gots lots of funny pictures, video, hot babe, chicks video. So do visit break, take a break at
Project Super Star, I recently fell in love with watching project superstar. Got Diya n Darren. They both rocks. They make project superstar worthy to be watched. Final of Project SuperStar coming. Whom will u vote? I vote for Darren. He sings well n looks good too! Go go Project superstar! Do check out the project superstar website too. Project superstar is one mediacorp show i enjoyed very much.
Recently, bloody lag sia. I upload new videos to youtube cant move at all for some. issit change system or hands le after being bought by Google. is it by yahoo or is it google? Really hope youtube can still remain efficient with more nice videos for the world. youtube bosses r one caucasian n one asian guy. cant remember you tube bosses name for sure. I want to upload many of my nice videos for you tube viewers. Many of you tube viewers will love them! LOL!!
Whom will u prefer? Singtel, Starhub or M1? I m using Starhub mobile services but using Singtel's singnet services. But heard M1 got very good reception. That time in reservist two three years ago, i bring my Starhub line hp to Lim Chu Kang, always no reception. That time really hate Starhub n want to change to Singtel or M1. But last year, got slight inprovement le with Starhub. No need change to Singtel n Starhub. But I still support Singnet internet lah!
My idol, Christopher Lee from Mediacorp, very sway lah. Christopher Lee Ming Shun knocks two motorcyclist down. Heard he drove away somemore. I really grateful to Christopher Lee, the famous actor n also judge in Star idol to let me thru second round. That is why i always support you, Lee Ming Shun. Take it as a man, no choice. Licence gone, take MRT or taxi lor. Wun die one. Last week ah, tell u ah, Christopher Lee, my two bikes gone to repairs. repairs near 700 SGD. I took mrt n taxi no choice. Christopher Lee Ming Shun, must jia you! I love you always, Christopher.
I m Steven Lim from the Singapore Idol. They called me Steven Lim, the stripper from Singapore idol. LoL. But now I add in a new name called Dragon. Should i call myself, Steven Lim or Dragon Lim. Next year, i dunno whether i want to take part in Singapore Idol again. Cos they will sure remember I m Steven Lim one. Aiya, see how lah.
xia xue, wendy, now got a new show called "Girls out loud". Wah, Wendy XiaXue now becomes host liao sia. But the show is really very interesting with or without Wendy Cheng, xiaxue though. On Monday 10pm. I was invited to one episode of "girls out loud".
Spiderman 3 movie is coming soon. So nice to be spiderman, can swing here swing there n spiderman sticks, but spiderman cant fly. Hope spiderman 3 will fun n exciting. Looking forward to Spiderman 3, the movie! I watch the trailer of Spiderman 3 movie, very dark but yet exciting. Spiderman 3's website got problem loading. Final note, many actions n babes in spiderman 3!!!! Must watch! I want to be spiderman! I dun care!
Xu Weilun has been killed in an accident. Her name is Xu Weilun from Taiwan n Xu Wei lun is an TV actress for ou xiang ju lor. Poor thing. 许玮伦死了!许玮伦....xu wei lun dies my god! why she dies? she so beautiful! heard that she is in coma sia before breathless...
Edison Chen/ Gillian, Cecilia Chung/ Bobo Nude Pic's HK celebrity's case. An unknown Kira resurfaced with new pics!