Sponsor Advertising Banner Payment Page Charges: USD$600 for a permanent banner on the front page of http://www.stevenlim.net which directly links to your URL address. Payment Instructions: 1) Click Pay Now below for easy guided, secured payment of the USD$600 powered by PayPal. Remember to leave your contact number and the URL address for banner. Major credit/ debit cards accepted. But if you have a paypal account, pls choose to pay thru Paypal only as it has already linked to your cards when clicked. 2) Email your banner image (logo, products/ services) in jpeg format and the URL address to sghunk1976@hotmail.com We will resize and edit your image accordingly at our discretion. If you need help in doing the banner, please assist us by sending us the images and words needed in the banner creation.
Sponsor Advertising Banner This is an official invitation and our humble request to invite your
company whom may be interested to sponsor advertise in our strong website
(780,000 hits since 9th Aug 2004) which includes your
permanent hyperlink banner on the front page of my website that directly
links to your official website for just a one time USD$600. We will
proudly state that you are the big sponsor of my website. Trust me,
unlike other medium, we advertise you 24hours every single minutes and
seconds, ensuring continuous traffic to your website permanently on the
very front page. We had also worked with big TV stations and big big MNCs, international
banks before in many ways.. Pls kindly do not miss this giant
opportunity! My super website has an live web cam interactive chat
room embedded on the front page itself which you could see me live most of the
time! We even have a very established online modeling agency with 230
international models! I really hope you
will sincerely consider sponsor advertise in our website soon, not only
for your sake but as a support to an website that its main objectives
are to entertain people n promote racial unity/harmony. Thank you.
Best Regards, Steven Lim